
Camelia Hartauer

Assistant Accounting, Office clerk

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5 questions for Camelia Hartauer

In what areas are you mainly involved?

I mostly work in invoicing at Linn Goppold.

What problems do you solve for your clients?

In administration, I am usually the first point of contact for all concerns of our clients – in person, by phone or by e-mail. I make sure that information flows smoothly between our clients and our employees.

What sets Linn Goppold apart?

The firm and its employees are very efficient and reliable. We put a lot of emphasis on automation and digitalisation, which not only improves efficiency but makes the work more enjoyable as well.

Can you describe your career?

After the end of my schooling in Romania, I came to Germany where I successfully completed my education as an office clerk. I was very happy to get a job with Linn Goppold and have never regretted this for a moment.

What motivates you in your daily work?

Working with colleagues and being part of a supportive team environment motivates me.

It’s a very pleasant working environment with flexible working hours, and my colleagues appreciate what I do.

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