
Inbound Germany

Start in Germany

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Overcoming complex regulations when joining the market – that's the challenge

If you are a foreign company and intend to extend your business activities to Germany, you face a variety of questions relating to business, law and tax. What is the best structure for market entry to Germany? What legal form is recommended? How should market entry be financed? Where should a company be registered? Which current obligations need to be fulfilled from a commercial and tax legal standpoint? How will my staff be taxed in Germany?

A clear road map for your market entry – that's our solution.

We have already helped many foreign companies with their market entry into Germany. We can also help you in implementing your business ideas in Germany with our experience and interdisciplinary professional skills. We will help you set up a company and register it, as well as fulfil your tax obligations and optimise your business processes from a tax standpoint.

As a certified outsourcing partner (IDW PS 951 Typ 2 and ISAE 3402 Type 2), we assist you in all administrative and commercial areas such as compliance, dunning, payment transactions and reporting to investors. If needed, we can also audit your German company’s financial statements.

Skilful answers for all possible questions – that's our ace

Our network also offers support for far-reaching legal issues, for instance about general business terms and conditions, intellectual property and distribution law as well as labour and social laws.

Doing Business in Germany

Hier finden Sie unsere Broschüre Doing Business in Germany

This is what we do for you:

  • Creating a tax-optimised corporate structure
  • Founding companies and assisting in their registration
  • Supporting tax entities with income allocation
  • Financial and payroll accounting including dunning and payment transactions (outsourcing)
  • Sales tax services
  • Creating reports and annual reports as per HGB, IFRS and GAAP.
  • Consulting in connection with transfer pricing documentation and transfer pricing structures.
  • Assisting expatriates
  • Creating business and private tax returns (tax compliance)
  • Assisting in external tax audits
  • Office services, such as offering a domestic business address, including correspondence
  • Auditing annual financial statements


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