
Seminars for entrepreneurs and employees

Custom continuing education

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Constant change – that's the challenge

Not only globalisation, digitisation, artificial intelligence and other incisive changes require constant training and continuing education; constant new laws also make it difficult for us to stay up to date. That’s true for you as an entrepreneur as well as for your employees. Yet as an entrepreneur, you need to ensure that your employees are informed about all changes in laws in a timely way, and that these are correctly implemented.

Learn and develop in a seminar group – that's our solution

We develop custom seminars suited to your needs on all commercial and legal topics for individually-composed participant groups (such as entrepreneurs, managing directors, employees and customers) in the area of accounting, auditing, tax law, management, leadership and soft skills. In particular, with major changes in accounting (e.g. recently as part of the German Accounting Law Modernisation Act (BilMoG) and Accounting Directive Implementation Act (BilRuG), tax law (such as corporate tax reforms and annual tax law changes) and business and corporate law, it is important to educate a specific group of people in companies in a way that responds to their needs in a targeted and time-efficient manner. General training is often too broad, responds too little to individual needs and current knowledge, and is too time- and cost-intensive. An effective and efficient seminar should not only be oriented to professional and individual needs, however, but also be methodically and didactically correct. Finally, as much content as possible should remain with each participant, and the material must be quickly practicable.

Years of experience – that's our ace

Our consulting experts design, plan and hold seminars or even series of seminars. They have organised these for years, always with a complete focus on individuals and their needs. The results: outstanding participant feedback and great references.

This is what we do for you:

  • Design, planning and implementing seminars and series of seminars
  • Needs-specific seminars
  • Effective and efficient knowledge-sharing
  • Custom seminars on all commercial and legal topics


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