
Medium-sized family companies

The base of the German economy

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Aligning company and family interests – that's the challenge

Medium-sized family companies are the bedrock of the German economy. Yet capital market-oriented companies, banks and insurance companies are often the focus of attention. In fact, around 95% of all companies are family-run medium-sized companies. They generate about 40% of turnover, and employ about 60% of workers in Germany. Yet many capital market-oriented companies, banks and insurance concerns’ statutory rules place heavy burdens on medium-sized companies. Family and corporate interests are frequently closely connected in medium-sized family companies. In addition, they plan over the long term, frequently over generations. This requires custom and holistic consulting from experts who know how to deal with these requirements.

Skilful consulting in all its facets – that's our solution

From founding a company to its transfer and conversion to structuring possible succession: our years of experience and interdisciplinary skills involving auditors, lawyers and tax consultants mean we can support you with all tax, legal and business issues. We assist you in tax structure consulting, business consulting, including accounting and financial statements, as well as auditing in the context of our holistic consulting approach, both for your company as well as for you as an entrepreneur and family.

Personal relationships and trust also specifically play a key role in the environment of a medium-sized family company. Therefore, we provide each company with a client partner with total responsibility as the central point of contact, in whose team we include further professionals and consultants. Every medium-sized family company receives an individually composed consultant team which deals with all requests and types of orders. We place great value on individual corporate culture and continuity in addition to technical and personal suitability, so that we can create a long-term, trusting consulting relationship – an intangible added value that our clients greatly value.

Global experts – that's our ace

Of course there are times when the issues and consulting topics are outside the experience of your own consulting team, whether in special industries such as hospitals and financial service providers, specific legal material such as customs and construction law, or with international matters, such as in the area of foreign tax law. Additional experts must be called in for such cases. Your contact assumes the role of a coordinator, and calls on our global consultant network. This consists of top-drawer national and international lawyers, notaries, corporate consultants and additional specialists, so that we can always deal with your challenges through one point of contact.


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